Version 0.2.4
This program translates a document in LaTeX into the SmartDoc format. A document has structural or major commands, should be operated correctly.
I'm sure this program is not enough to satisfy all the latex-documents, so please download the source code and hack it.
more than Java2 SDK1.2, SDK1.3
SmartDoc more than 0.7
All the code are distributed under the GPL license.
In the console, input like follows,
% java -jar tex2sdoc.jar [options] (TeX sources...) -encoding : Output encoding ( the default is "Shift_JIS" ) -lang : Output language ( the default is "ja") -exmacro : expand tex macro ( if your latex-document has some macro codes, you need this option )
If your document includes BibTeX file, you also need "SmartDoc.jar". Then input like following,
% java -cp "tex2sdoc.jar;SmartDoc.jar" \ [options] (TeX source...)
This program has a experimental function that translates a BibTeX file into SmartBib file (XML).
% java -cp "tex2sdoc.jar;SmartDoc.jar" \ \ (BibTeX file) (output filename)
*Meta command maketitle,(title,author,date,abstract) # You can use only a text in the abstract field. *Structural command part,chapter,section,subsection,subsubsection,appendix # The title of these commands has only a text. *Font command bf,bfseries,textbf,sffamily it,itshape,slshape,textit tt,ttfamily,texttt em,emph large,Large,LARGE,huge,Huge small,footnotesize,scriptsize,tiny *Reference footnote,cite,ref,eqref # You can use the cite command like "\cite{foo1,foo2}". *Environment equation,eqnarray,itemiza,enumerate,quote figure(includegraphics,caption),description,tabular,tabbing center,flushright,flushleft,thebibliography(bibitem) *label # You can use the label command just after the structural command and the emvironment command. Ex: \section{abc}\label{abc}, \begin{equation}\label{foo}
You can translate a latex-document "sdoctext.tex" that has some math expressions, like following,
% java -jar tex2sdoc.jar -encoding UTF-8 -lang en -exmacro sdoctest.tex
And after translation by SmartDoc, You can read the HTML document with the amaya.
% sdoc -html4.encoding:UTF-8 sdoctest.sdoc
Evaluation applet that translates a math expression in LaTeX into the presentation markup of the MathML.
SAKURAI, Masashi | E-mail : Web page : |