Jun-ichi FUKUDA
- Affiliation
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science,
Kyushu University
- Education
- 1990.3
- graduated from Koyo Gakuin Senior High School
- 1994.3
- B.S., Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
- 1996.3
- M.S., Department of Physics,
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
- 1999.3
- Ph.D., Department of Physics,
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
- Employment
- 1998.4-1999.3
- JSPS Fellow (DC2, at Kyoto University)
- 1999.4-9
- JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (at Nagoya University)
- 1999.10-2004.3
- Research Scientist,
Yokoyama Nano-structured Liquid Crystal Project,
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- 2004.4-2009.3
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- 2009.4-2017.3
Senior Researcher,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- 2017.4-present
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science,
Kyushu University
- 2004.9-2009.3
Also at Liquid Crystal Nano-system Project, ERATO/SORST,
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- 2009.1-2009.7
Visiting Scientist, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, and Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- 2010.6-2010.7, 2010.12-2011.3, 2011.7 and 2012.10-2013.3
Visiting Scientist, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, and Center of Excellence NAMASTE
- 2014.10 and 2016.9-10
Visiting Scientist, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
- 2024.5-
Affiliate Member of International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (WPI-SKCM2)
- Awards
Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
- Paper Award, Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (2019)
- Paper Award, Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (2012)
Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (2008)
- Young Scientist Award, Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (2002)
- Social activities
- Director, Kyushu University Press (2023.1-)
- Associate Editor, Frontiers of Soft Matter (2022.2-)
- Delegate, the Physical Society of Japan (2021.4-2025.3)
- Chair, Kyushu Division, the Physical Society of Japan (2019.4-2020.3)
- Department Chair, Department of Physics, Kyushu University (2018.4-2019.3)
- Editorial Board Member, Crystals (2019.7-2022.4)
- Editorial Board Member, Liquid Crystal Reviews (2017.11-)
- Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (2016.9-)
- Director, Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (2014.9-2016.9)
- Chair (2015.4-2016.3), and Vice-Chair (2014.4-2015.3) of Division 12 (Soft Matter, Chemical, and Biological Physics), the Physical Society of Japan
- Chairman of Young Scientist Award Committee, Division 12, The Physical Society of Japan (2014)
- Editorial Board Member of "BUTSURI" (Membership journal of the Physical Society of Japan) (2008.10-2010.9)
- Editorial Board Member of "EKISHO" (Membership journal of the Japanese Liquid Crystal Society) (2001.10-2003.9)
- Conference Chair of the International Workshop on Soft Matter Physics "Soft Matter as Structured Materials" at Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University, Japan (2005)
- Conference organizing committee member of:
- The 10th Japan-Italy Joint Workshop on Liquid Crystal (JILCW2024) (Local organizing committee member, 2024)
- The 7th International Soft Matter Conference (Local organzing committee member, 2023)
- The 9th International Discussion Meetingon Relaxations in Complex Systems (9IDMRCS) (Symposium Leader, 2023)
- The 10th Japanese Soft Matter Society Meeting (Chief organizer, 2022)
- OLC2021, Japan (Program Committee, 2021)
- The 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Kyoto, Japan (Local Committee, 2018)
- Phase Transition Dynamics in Soft Matter: Bridging Microscale and Mesoscale, Kyoto, Japan (2012)
- The 1st Asian Conference on Liquid Crystal, Yamanashi, Japan (2012)
- International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter, Nara, Japan (2010)
- New frontiers in colloidal physics: A bridge between micro and macroscopic concepts in soft matter, Kyoto, Japan (2007)
- Structures and Dynamics in Soft Matter --Beyond Self-Organization and Hierarchical Structures-- , Kyoto, Japan (2006)
- Contact
- Address:
B-709, West Zone 1 (see 36 of the campus map)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
744, Motooka, Nishi-ku
Fukuoka 819-0395
- FAX:
- Email:
(last updated: 17th July, 2024)
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