International Conferences and Workshops

  1. Up Comming!

    Mitsusuke Tarama
    Phase separation and self-organized structures of actin cytoskeleton
    25th Anniversary Symposium of German-Japanese Joint Research Project on Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Perspectives for Future Collaboration, Kyoto University, 12-14 (12) 10, 2022 (oral, invited).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Modelling cell crawling by coupling cell mechanics to intracellular chemistry
    Pacifichem 2021, Online, 16-21 (18) Dec, 2021 (oral, invited).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama
    In silico study on cytoskeleton structure formation
    RIMS Workshop Mathematical Mechanobiology, Online (Zoom), 14-16 (16) Jul, 2021 (oral, invited).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama, Kenji Mori, and Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Mechanochemical modelling of crawling cells
    10th International Conference Engineering of Chemical Complexity, Seminaris SeeHotel, Potsdam, Germany, 5 Jun, 2019 (oral).

  1. Presentation Awards for Young Scientist
    Mitsusuke Tarama and Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Modeling of cell crawling by means of force-free intracellular motion
    International Conference on Advances of Emergent orders in Fluctuations (APEF2018), Ito International Research Center Symposium, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 12-15 (14-15) Nov., 2018 (poster).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama and Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Mechanics of cell crawling under force-free condition
    27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018), Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, 22-27 (27) Jul., 2018 (oral).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama and Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Mechanics of cell crawling by means of force-free cyclic motion
    Designer Soft Matter 2018, PARKROYAL Hotel on Beach Road, Singapore, 6-8 Jun., 2018 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Active Deformable Particles in Poiseuille Flow
    International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2017, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, 21 Nov, 2017 (poster).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Dynamics of active deformable particles in Poiseuille flow
    10TH LIQUID MATTER CONFERENCE, Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17-18 Jul, 2017 (poster).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Swinging motion of active deformable particles in Poiseuille flow
    9th International Conference Engineering of Chemical Complexity, Neàpolis Auditorium, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, 19 Jun, 2017 (oral).

  4. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Dynamics of active deformable particles: from swimming droplets to crawling cells
    Structured Soft Interfaces: Caught Between Multi-Scale Simulation and Application , Lorentz Center, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 23 Jan., 2017 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Reciprocating motion of active deformable particles
    Patterns in Nature Functions, Variations and Control,
    University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, 10 Oct., 2016 (poster).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Back-and-forth motion of active deformable particles
    Microswimmers – From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour,
    the Forschungszentrum caesar, Bonn, Germany, 6 Oct., 2016 (poster).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Back-and-forth motion of active soft particle
    The 4th International Soft Matter Conference,
    the centre Alpes-Congrès at Alpexpo, Grenoble, France, 15 Sep., 2016 (poster).

  4. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Reciprocating motion of active deformable particles in homogeneous media
    the Palais des Congrès de Lyon, Lyon, France, 18-22 Jul., 2016 (poster).

  5. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Appearance of reciprocating motion of active deformable particles
    Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure: Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems: The third research area meeting,
    Kyushu University, Japan, 18 Jun., 2016 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Oscillatory dynamics of active deformable particles
    Pacifichem 2015: Self-organization in Chemistry (#165) [3A],
    Honolulu, Hawaii, 18 Dec., 2015 (oral).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Active deformable droplet in external flow field
    Workshop on "Aspects of motions in biofluid problems",
    RIMS, Kyoto University, 26 Oct., 2015 (oral).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama, and Takao Ohta
    Reciprocating motion of active deformable particles
    Hierarchical Dynamics in Soft Materials and Biological Matter,
    Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 24 Sep., 2015 (poster).

  4. Mitsusuke Tarama, and Takao Ohta
    Oscillation of active deformable particles
    International Symposium on Fluctuation and Structure out of Equilibrium 2015 (SFS2015),
    Inamori Hall, Shiran-kaikan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 21 Aug., 2015 (poster).

  5. Mitsusuke Tarama, and Takao Ohta
    Oscillatory motion of active deformable particles
    8th International Conference Engineering of Chemical Complexity,
    IAS, Technische Universität München, Garching, Müchen, Germany, 23 Jun., 2015 (poster).

  6. M. Tarama, P. Cremer, D.Y. Borin, S. Odenbach, H. Löwen, and A.M. Menzel
    Tunable dynamic response of magnetic gels: Impact of structural properties and magnetic fields
    Physics of Structural and Dynamical Hierarchy in Soft Matter,
    Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 16 Mar., 2015 (poster).

  7. Mitsusuke Tarama, Andreas M. Menzel, and Hartmut Löwen
    Active deformable particle in an external flow field
    International WE-Heraeus-Physics-School on Model systems for understanding biological processes,
    Bad Honnef, Germany, 26 Feb., 2015 (oral).

  8. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles
    Kyoto Winter School for Statistical Mechanics "Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics: From Non-equilibrium Fluctuations to Active Matter",
    Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 16 Feb., 2015 (oral; Invited).

  9. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Dynamics of active deformable particle in external flow field
    Kyoto Winter School for Statistical Mechanics "Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics: From Non-equilibrium Fluctuations to Active Matter",
    Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 9 Feb., 2015 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama, Andears M. Menzel, and Hartmut Löwen
    Capturing and scattering dynamics of active soft particle in a swirl
    the University of Lisbon (ULisboa), Lisbon, Portugal, 24 Jul., 2014 (poster).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama, and Takao Ohta
    Two types of active spinning motion of deformable particle
    Gordon Research Conference: Oscillations & Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems,
    Melia Golf Vichy Catalan Business & Convention Center, Girona, Spain, 16-17 Jul., 2014 (poster).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama, Andreas M. Menzel, and Hartmut Löwen
    Scattering dynamics of active soft particle in swirl
    Gordon Research Seminar: Oscillations & Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems (GRS),
    Melia Golf Vichy Catalan Business & Convention Center, Girona, Spain, 12 Jul., 2014 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Oscillatory motions of an active deformable particle
    "Engineering of Chemical Complexity”,
    Hotel Hohe Düne, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 10 Jun., 2013 (contributed talk).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Spontaneous spinning motion of an active deformable particle
    "Spatio-temporal Organization in Non-equilibrium Systems”,
    Shokuin-Kaikan (Kyushu University), Japan, 23 Feb., 2013 (poster).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Dynamics of an active soft particle with spinning motion
    "Self-organization and Emergent Dynamics in Active Soft Matter”,
    Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Memorial Hall, Yukawa Insititute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 19 Feb., 2013 (poster).

  4. Mitsusuke Tarama
    An active soft particle with a spontaneous spinning motion
    GCOE Symposium Development of emergent new fields,
    Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, 12-14 Feb., 2013 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Spontaneous rotation of a deformable self-propelled particle
    "17th Fall Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics in Bayreuth 2012”,
    University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, 8 Oct., 2012 (short talk + poster).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Active spinning of a deformable self-propelled particle
    Japanese-German-French Workshop “Physics of Active Soft Matter”,
    Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, 24 Sep., 2012 (short talk + poster).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Spinning motion of an active soft particle
    "Active Dynamics on Microscales: Molecular Motors and Self-Propelling Particles",
    Lorentz Center@Oort, Leiden, The Netherlands, 18 Sep., 2012 (oral).

  4. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Dynamics of a deformable particle driven by internal and external forces
    "Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields" CODEF III,
    Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V., Bonn (Bad-Godesberg), Germany, 21 Mar., 2012 (poster).

  5. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Spinning motion of a deformable self-propelled particle in a two-dimensional space
    "Phase Transition Dynamics in Soft Matter: Bridging Microscale and Mesoscale",
    Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan, 21 Feb., 2012 (poster).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Influence of external forcing on the dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle
    "International Symposium on Complex Systems 2011",
    Koshiba Hall, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2 Dec., 2011 (poster).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
    Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle under external forcing
    "Engineering of Chemical Complexity",
    Harnack House of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany, 4-8 Jul., 2011 (poster).

  3. Mitsusuke Tarama, Takao Ohta, and Len M. Pismen
    Breathing instability versus drift instability in a two-component reaction-diffusion system
    "Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics 2011",
    Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan, 4-8 Jan., 2011 (short talk + poster).

Domestic Conferences and Workshops

  1. 多羅間充輔
    Coarse-grained molecular dynamics approach to phase separation of actin cytoskeleton
    第3回生体分子シミュレーション・モデリング研究会, 函館空港 国内線レセプションルーム, 1 Oct., 2022 (oral).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama, Sayaka Sekine, Tatsuo Shibata, Shigeo Hayashi
    Microphase separation and transition dynamics of self-organized structures of actin cytoskeleton during tubulogenesis
    第60回 日本生物物理学会年会, 函館アリーナ・函館市民会館, 28-30 (30) Nov., 2022 (poster).

  3. 多羅間充輔、江端宏之
    日本物理学会2022年秋季大会, 東京工業大学, 12-15 (14) Sep., 2022 (oral).

  4. 多羅間充輔、関根清薫、柴田達夫、林茂生
    日本物理学会第77回年次大会, on-line, 15-19 (16) Mar., 2022 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔、柴田達夫
    第44回 日本分子生物学会年会, パシフィコ横浜(hybrid), 1-3 Dec., 2021 (oral[1/12] and poster[2/12]).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama, Yukiko Nakaya, Tatsuo Shibata
    Dynamical network structure formation of mesoderm cells in early chick embryo
    第59回 日本生物物理学会年会, on-line, 25-27 (27) Nov., 2021 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔、仲矢由紀子、柴田達夫
    日本物理学会 2021年 秋季大会, on-line, 20-23 (23) Sep., 2021 (oral).

  4. 多羅間充輔、柴田達夫
    日本物理学会 2021年 秋季大会, on-line, 20-23 (23) Sep., 2021 (oral).

  5. 多羅間充輔、京極博久、柴田達夫、北島智也
    日本物理学会 2021年 秋季大会, on-line, 20-23 (22) Sep., 2021 (oral).

  6. Mitsusuke Tarama、Tatsuo Shibata
    Cortex structure formation of actomyosin by motor activity
    Active Matter Workshop 2021, on-line (CMMA, Meiji University), 22-23 (22) Jan., 2021 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔、柴田達夫
    日本液晶学会 ソフトマターフォーラム講演会, オンライン, 24 Oct., 2020 (oral; invited).

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama, Tatsuo Shibata
    Formation of actin cortex structure by myosin motor activity
    第58回 日本生物物理学会 年会, オンライン, 16-18 Sep., 2020 (poster).

  3. 多羅間充輔、柴田達夫
    日本物理学会 2020年年次大会, 名古屋大学, 16 Mar., 2020 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔、柴田達夫
    第9回 ソフトマター研究会, 名古屋大学 坂田・平田ホール, 27 Nov., 2019 (oral).

  2. ポスター賞
    第9回 ソフトマター研究会, 名古屋大学 坂田・平田ホール, 26 Nov., 2019 (poster).

  3. 多羅間充輔
    研究会「理論と実験」2019, 広島大学 東広島キャンパス, 広島, 10 Oct., 2019 (oral).

  4. Mitsusuke Tarama, Kenji Mori, and Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Mechanochemical modelling of crawling cells
    第57回 日本生物物理学会 年会, シーガイアコンベンションセンター, 宮崎, 25 Sep., 2019 (poster).

  5. 多羅間充輔、毛利謙司、山本量一
    日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会, 岐阜大学, 11 Sep., 2019 (oral).

  6. 多羅間充輔
    Modeling dynamics around cells
    第1回研究会 「非線形・非平衡系の物理と数理」, 関西学院大学 東京丸の内キャンパス, 6 Aug., 2019 (oral).

  7. Mitsusuke Tarama、Kenji Mori, and Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Modelling crawling cells: From simple mechanical model to mechano-chemical model
    第16回京都大学福井謙一記念研究センターシンポジウム, 京都大学 福井謙一記念研究センター, 8 Feb., 2019 (poster).

  8. Mitsusuke Tarama、Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Mechanochemical modeling of crawling cells
    Active Matter Workshop 2019, Meiji University, 10-11 (10) Jan., 2019 (oral).

  1. Mitsusuke Tarama、Ryoichi Yamamoto
    Mechanics of cell crawling with force-free cyclic motion
    A Satellite Symposium to celebrate Prof. Kenichi Fukui's 100th birthday, FIFC, Kyoto University, 13 Oct., 2018 (poster).

  2. 多羅間充輔
    Cell crawling on elastic substrate
    札幌非線形現象研究会2018, 北海道大学 電子科学研究所, 27-29 (29) Aug., 2018 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔、山本量一
    日本物理学会 第73回年次大会, 東京理科大学 野田キャンパス, 23 Mar., 2018 (oral).

  4. 多羅間充輔、山本量一
    研究会 凝縮系の理論化学, 琉球大学 沖縄青年会館, 13 Mar., 2018 (oral: invited).

  5. 多羅間充輔
    京都若手ソフトマター研究会, 京都大学 セミナーハウス, 7 Mar., 2018 (oral).

  6. 多羅間充輔
    Deformable swimmers in Poiseuille flow
    15th FIFC Symposium, FIFC, Kyoto University, 2 Feb., 2018 (poster).

  7. Mitsusuke Tarama、Ryoichi Yamamoto
    A minimal model of crawling cells under force-free condition
    Active Matter Workshop 2018, FIFC, Kyoto University, 19 Jan., 2018 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔
    第27回 非線形反応と協同現象研究会, 福岡工業大学 FITホール, 9 Dec, 2017 (poster).

  2. 多羅間充輔
    生物流体力学における基礎問題と応用問題, 京都大学 数理解析研究所, 31 Oct, 2017 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔
    第7回ソフトマター研究会, 京都大学・北部研究総合棟・益川ホール&理学研究科セミナーハウス, 25 Oct, 2017 (oral: invited).

  4. M. Tarama, K. Mori, and R. Yamamoto
    Mechano-chemical modelling of biological cells
    A02班A03班合同研究会「アクティブマターの概念で繋ぐ生命機能の階層性」 “Hierarchy of biological functions connected by concept of active matter”, 函館 グリーンピア大沼, 11 Sep, 2017 (oral).

  5. 多羅間充輔
    札幌非線形現象研究会2017, 北海道大学 電子科学研究所, 30 Aug, 2017 (oral).

  6. 多羅間充輔
    Nonlinear Dynamics of Active Deformable Particles: From Liquid Droplets to Biological Cells
    第15回 福井センターセミナー, 京都大学福井謙一記念研究センター, 25 May, 2017 (oral).

  7. 多羅間充輔
    Dynamics of active deformable particle in Poiseuille flow
    日本物理学会第72回年次大会, 大阪大学 豊中キャンパス, 17 Mar., 2017 (oral).

  1. M. Tarama and T. Ohta
    Appearance of reciprocating motion of active deformable particles
    第3回領域研究会, 九州大学 伊都キャンパス, 18 Jun., 2016 (poster).

  2. 多羅間充輔
    日本物理学会第71回年次大会, 東北学院大学 泉キャンパス, 22 Mar., 2016 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔
    アクティブマター研究会2016, 九州大学 箱崎キャンパス 国際ホール, 22 Jul., 2016 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔
    第5回ソフトマター研究会, 東北大学 青葉山キャンパス, 17 Dec., 2015 (oral: invited).

  2. 多羅間充輔
    早稲田大学 早稲田キャンパス, 22 Mar., 2015 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔
    東北大学・片平キャンパス AIMR本館, 15 Mar., 2015 (oral: Invited).

  1. 多羅間充輔
    第24回 非線形反応と協同現象研究会,
    東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス, 6 Dec., 2014 (poster).

  2. 多羅間充輔、A.M. Menzel, H. Löwen
    中部大学(春日井キャンパス), 8 Sep., 2014 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔、A.M. Menzel, H. Löwen
    北海道大学工学部オープンホール, 30 Aug., 2014 (poster).

  4. 多羅間充輔、A.M. Menzel, and H. Löwen
    Tunable dynamic response of ferrogels
    第13回 関東ソフトマター研究会,
    首都大学東京, 19 Aug., 2014 (poster).

  5. 多羅間充輔、A.M. Menzel、B. ten Hagen、R. Wittkowski、太田隆夫、H. Löwen
    東海大学 湘南キャンパス, 27-30 Mar., 2014 (oral).

  6. 多羅間充輔、A.M. Menzel、H. Löwen
    京都大学, 7 Mar., 2014 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔、太田隆夫
    KKRホテル熱海, 25-27 Dec., 2013 (poster).

  2. 多羅間充輔、A.M. Menzel, B. ten Hagen, R. Wittkowski, 太田隆夫, H. Löwen
    首都大学東京, 13-15 Dec., 2013 (oral+poster).

  3. 多羅間充輔、太田隆夫
    北海道大学, 7 Dec., 2013 (poster).

  4. 多羅間充輔、太田隆夫
    時間生物学会サテライトシンポジウム 「生物リズム現象の数理フロンティア」,
    近畿大学, 11 Nov., 2013 (poster).

  5. 多羅間充輔、太田隆夫
    日本物理学会第68回年次大会, 広島大学, 27 Mar., 2013 (oral).

  6. 多羅間充輔
    京都大学理学研究科セミナーハウス, 8 Mar., 2013 (oral).

  1. 多羅間充輔
    お茶の水女子大学, 7 Dec., 2012 (poster).

  2. ポスター発表優秀賞
    多羅間充輔, 太田隆夫
    湘南国際村センター, 17 Aug., 2012 (poster).

  3. 多羅間充輔
    基研研究会2012 「非平衡系の物理 -その普遍的理解を目指して」,
    京都大学 基礎物理学研究所, 3 Aug., 2012 (short talk + poster).

  1. 多羅間充輔
    京都大学理学研究科セミナーハウス, 19 Nov., 2011 (oral).

  2. 多羅間充輔、太田隆夫
    日本物理学会2011年秋季大会, 富山大学, 23 Sep., 2011 (oral).

  3. 多羅間充輔
    基研研究会 「非平衡系の物理 -ミクロとマクロの架け橋」,
    京都大学 基礎物理学研究所, 19 Aug., 2011 (short talk + poster).

  4. 多羅間充輔
    脈動不安定性 vs. 並進不安定性 ~2成分反応拡散系における円形ドメイン解において~
    自然科学縦横無尽2010 理学系異分野交流会,
    京都大学 基礎物理学研究所, 15 Mar., 2011 (poster).


  1. Self-organisation of a dynamic meshwork structure in the mesoderm during the development of a chick embryo and its characterisation using persistent homology
    iTHEMS Biology Seminar,
    16 Jun, 2022.

  2. Mitsusuke Tarama, Yukiko Nakaya, Tatsuo Shibata
    Formation of dynamic network structure of mesoderm in early chick embryo
    BDR retreat 2021, RIKEN BDR, 28-29 (28) Oct., 2021.

  3. Dynamical network structure formation of mesoderm cells in early chick embryo
    山本研セミナー, 京都大学大学院工学研究科, 25 Oct., 2021.

  4. Macro and micro phase separation of active cytoskeleton
    Young Researchers Forum, RIKEN BDR, 22 Oct., 2021.

  5. Mitsusuke Tarama
    Computational modelling of cellular dynamics
    BDR retreat 2019, RIKEN BDR, 8-9 Oct., 2019.

  6. Mechanics of cell crawling by means of force-free cyclic motion
    BDR Seminar in Kobe, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, 25 May, 2018.

  7. Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles
    Seminar in the group of Prof. Markus Bär, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany, 1 Mar., 2016.

  8. Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles in an external flow field
    Seminars “Makroskopische Eigenschaften komplexer Fluide”, Universität Bayreuth, Germany, 25 Feb., 2016.

  9. Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles
    Seminar in the group of Prof. Pierre Sens, Institute Curie, Paris, France, 11 Feb., 2016.

  10. Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles in external flow field
    R研セミナー, 名古屋大学大学院理学研究科物理学教室R研, 20 Jan., 2016.

  11. Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles
    菊池研セミナー, 大阪大学 サイバーメディアセンター 大規模計算研究部門, 10 Jul., 2015.

  12. Nonlinear dynamics of active deformable particles
    山本研セミナー, 京都大学大学院工学研究科, 22 Apr., 2015.

  13. Dynamics of active deformable particles
    物理エソロジーのあゆみ談話会 (Colloquium: Road to Physical Ethology), 北海道大学電子科学研究所 中垣研究室, 27 Jan., 2015.

  14. Two types of spinning motion of active soft particles
    Seminar “Soft Matter”, Heinlich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, 9 Jul., 2014.

  15. Active soft particle in external flow field
    第3回非線形セミナー, 東京大学 物性研究所, 2 Jul., 2014 (in Japanese).

  16. アクティブソフトマターにおける変形と重心運動の結合によるダイナミクス
    東京大学, 12 Jun., 2014 (in Japanese).

  17. 変形を考慮した自己推進粒子のモデリング
    大阪大学豊中キャンパス, 16 May, 2014 (in Japanese).

  18. Dynamics of active particles in external flow field
    Seminar des Graduiertenkollegs 1276, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 18 Feb., 2014.

  19. アクティブソフトマターの自転運動
    MDCLセミナー, 東京大学 物性研究所, 22 Nov., 2013 (in Japanese).

  20. Spontaneous spinning motions of an active deformable particle
    櫻井・北畑研究室セミナー, 千葉大学, 20 May., 2013 (in Japanese).

  21. Dynamics of an active deformable particle
    in the group of Prof. M. Tanaka in Universität Heidelberg, 8 Feb., 2013.

  22. Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle under external forcing in a two dimensional space
    流体力学セミナー, 京都大学 数理解析研究所, 14 May., 2012 (in Japanese).

  23. Dynamics of an active soft matter with internal and external forcing in a two dimensional space
    理論インフォーマルセミナー, 東京大学 物性研究所, 27 Apr., 2012.

  24. Dynamics of a self-propelled soft particle under external forcing
    Seminar Sonderforschungsbereich TR6 “Physics of Colloidal Dispersions in external Fields”, Heinlich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany, 16 Mar., 2012.

  25. Dynamics of an externally-enforced self-propelled particle
    佐々研セミナー, 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科, 12 Jan., 2012 (in Japanese).

  26. 自己推進系の自転運動について
    吉川研・太田研合同討論会 自転・回転をともなう自発運動, 京都大学, 22 Apr., 2011 (in Japanese).